Sunday, January 22, 2012

First weekend in Doha

Welcome to our blog from our new home in Doha, Qatar! Hopefully this will provide a good way for all our family and friends to keep in touch, see how we are getting on and what escapades Emily gets up to!! 

Our first 48 hours in Doha have been exciting as we get used to our new life. The city is half amazing and half building site! No-one walks anywhere - they all drive big 4 wheel drives and so you take your life in your hands when you cross the road - its like crossing the M25 with a buggy! Still it did only cost £5 to fill up the car with petrol! We have had lunch in the souk, done our first food shop, been to a local park, visited numerous shopping malls and had a drive around the city to get our bearings. We had to wear jumpers today - outrageous! It was only 18 degrees and a bit windy! I have sourced some playgroups for Emily and found a swimming club and all the shopping malls have endless opportunities for soft play. Andi brought an Iraqi cookbook and so we've been cooking with local ingredients - I made a tasty mince and green pea stew tonight - tasted better than it sounds! 

The Arabs all seem very friendly and Emily is doted upon by all! So far its all looking very positive. 

Mummy and Emily at Aspire Park

Daddy and Emily at Aspire Park fountain

Hello ducks!

Hot dog and chips for lunch at the park!

Inspecting the Corniche
I attach some photos of our first few days. 


  1. Sounds like a busy start to your life in Doha! I'm sure Oonagh will love the opportunity to come and visit you some time in the near future. It is a great idea to blog to let us know how you are doing! Keep it up.

    Paul, Vatherine and Oonagh!

    Was great to talk to you on Skype and FaceTime tonight!

  2. That was meant to say

    Paul, Catherine and Oonagh! V must be close to the c, wow it is right next to it, who would have thought it!

  3. hi, i was just given the letter today about your blog. Its all looking very exciting out there. i would not expect anything less than for Emily to be doted upon. she is such a gorgeous little girl. we are missing you all very much but glad you are having a lovely time. maisie sent in a little goodbye card for Emily. can i pass on the blog details to maisies mum and dad? xx

    1. Hi Emily, lovely to hear from you! Yes feel free to pass the details on - how lovely that they sent a card. Hope all is well.

      Libby and Emily x

  4. ok, i shall pass it on to those who want it. It was such a lovely little card bless her! speak soon libby, take care xxx
