Friday, April 18, 2014

Holidays - Yippee

We've just come back from a lovely week in Sri Lanka, which was very relaxing. Having said that, Dylan has at 15 months started early with the terrible twos! I am blaming teething as all parents do. He is like a little rocket - I don't think he sits still for more than 2 minutes (except for Barney his favourite TV show). Thank goodness for that lovely big purple dinosaur. Emily enjoyed her holiday, swimming, eating ice-cream and surviving on donuts for breakfast and chicken nuggets and chips at all other times (washed down with far too much orange pop). There is going to be a serious sugar detox next week in this house! We went on a river safari, to a turtle conservation sanctuary and spent lots of time by the pool. When number 3 arrives I think holidays will be distant memory so its a good job it was a good one!
Enjoying the beach in Qatar

Rocking my new haircut 

Baking a cake for daddy 

Which I was very proud of!

Anyone for swimming?

Meeting the baby turtles in Sri Lanka

and I am terrorising them!

Enjoying my holiday

I look sweet and innocent but I'm plotting my next move!

Straight to the beach please daddy

Checking out the turtle eggs

Many hours spent in the pool on holiday

Friday, April 4, 2014

Sept, Oct, Nov Dec......etc etc

We have not disappeared, the hours in my day have to find time to sit down and write anything for the blog have! I need to keep it up though (not that anyone will read it by now) but because in years to come Emily and Dylan will wonder what became of us and why mummy stopped. I can't possibly remember half of what has happened since I last updated this in August but here are the highlights:

1. Mummy is working, just as an admin assistant but keeps me out of trouble between the hours of 7 and 2 : )
2. Dylan has turned 1 and Emily has turned 3! 
3. Baby number 3 is in on the way! Crazy times ahead. 
4. Emily has got a place at big school and starts in September

Life in Qatar is still suiting us well and we'll be here for a while yet I think. We'll be moving house soon (again!!) to be nearer Em's school and hopefully will have more space (any and all visitors still welcome!). I hope the photos attached provide the best snapshot of the last 6 months. Sending lots of love to anyone who happens across this blog to check we are still here! x
A rare puddle in Qatar

Strawberry milk post ballet lesson - yum!

My big boy Dylan 

Best friends (most of the time!)

Cooking up a good BBQ with daddy

Ikea ice-cream, one of life's pleasures 

Storytime from Emily

A girls trip to the theatre

Bedtime cuddles

Fashion Princess

Happy 1st Birthday Dill

Brrr its cold in England in December

Happy Christmas 2013!

Cheeky boy in his first PJ's!

Emily loves dressing up as a princess

Red bull flugtag Oct 2013 - first time Dylan walked!

Lots of outdoor fun

Milkshake Queen

I'll not forgive you for this mum!

Happy 3rd Birthday Emily Jude- best princess cake ever!!

Ho ho ho Santa

Happy Christmas Dylan Woody

1st Birthday pirate party with my cousins and big sister