Thursday, March 1, 2012

We're still here!!!

Hello! Sorry I have not posted anything for ages - we haven't forgotten everyone or been deported (yet). We cannot have an internet connection in our new home until Andi gets his entry authorised and gets an official residence permit - I have now found wifi in the local park! Its Friday morning as I write this and I'm sat in Aspire Park watching Andi and Emily on the playground. She spends a lot of time at playgrounds and is becoming really confident on all the equipment which makes me nervous sometimes! Rope ladders and large slides hold no fear to Emily now! Andi should have his residence permit on Sunday meaning Andi will be an official resident of Doha and we can buy alcohol!!!! Emily and I aren't allowed to be official residents for 6 months and so every other month for visa reasons we have to leave the country - we're off to another UAE country on a day trip next week. All is going really well out here and we feel very settled. We love the new house and are starting to make it feel like home. Patio furniture and a BBQ arrived this week and so I don't think we'll ever cook indoors again. The service out here is incredible - you buy something from the shop - for example we brought Emily a new cot and they deliver it for free and build it for free!

Andi is enjoying work but the hours are quite long at the moment and Emily is just settling into nursery - a place called Appletree. She has only been for a few sessions so we still have tears when I leave and throughout the morning but I am sure she will settle. She enjoys music time and art and crafts and everyone there is really friendly. It was world book day yesterday and I went into the nursery to read a book to the children. On Monday the nursery had a cultural day and all the children had to go dressed in their national dress and take a traditional dish of food from their country and the parents were invited for a picnic - it was lovely and the food was amazing. Emily went dressed in red and white and took fairy cakes. I have met a few other mums I have become friendly with and have already had a few trips to the park and picnics with them. I am meeting another mum for coffee next week and have a trip to the zoo planned with another mum and her children. I think we all feel very at home here already.

I will continue to post as and when I can but fingers crossed we will have the internet next week and normal life can be resumed!

I hope that everyone will keep emailing me their news and don't forget we have Skype! 

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