This week has been quite quiet so far just trips to the park and soft play. On Tuesday Emily and I went to our first kindermusik class - a music and movement class which Emily enjoyed. She is struggling with sharing at the moment and wasn't too happy when it came to passing along the musical instruments! She continues to enjoy life in Qatar although is losing some of the independence she gained through nursery and is becoming a bit clingy. Her new favourite word is also 'no!' Hopefully the more we socialise and the more friends she makes this will get better. She is probably still adjusting to her new life. Andi is continuing to be busy at work and the hours are quite long so roll on the weekend when we're planning a trip to the zoo. Prior to that one of Andi's colleagues is having a drinks reception at her house tomorrow evening and we're going along to socialise. Emily is going to sleep upstairs (hopefully!). Next Tuesday the Emir has announced a national holiday and Andi's work are organising a picnic at the park - it seems like a friendly work environment. Andi is enjoying life out here and is plotting kite surfing lessons. We had a panic at the weekend that the Emir had permanently banned the sale of alcohol in Qatar (nearly booked flights home!) but it turns out it was just banned for the day as it was a significant religious day - phew. We've also found out that if you run a red light or your car is over the line at traffic lights its an automatic £1000 fine - my driving has improved rapidly on finding this out. We've signed and sealed the deal on our new house today and we move on 17th February when I'll post some pictures of our new home.
Me and my dolly at the park |
My favourite park |
Sand sand and more sand |
Hello Everyone! |
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