Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Long time no blog.....

Its been a while since I posted anything....things have been busy. We've had two lots of visitors (Will and Steve and then Nanny) which has been nice. I don't think we'll have any visitors between May and September though its just too hot. We're coping with the heat and we'll get used to it. The strangest thing to get used to is that the cold water is always boiling hot. We can't really go out in the day as its too hot so Emily is getting used to being indoors quite a bit but doesn't seem to mind. At the moment by about 4pm we can venture outside. Flights back to the UK over the summer have been booked and Emily and I are in the UK between 3rd July and 15th August and Andi between 27th July and 10th August. Obviously apart from seeing people I can't wait for proper fish and chips, real sausages and bacon! I've attached some recent photos of what we've all been up to. 

A new park we have found in the city

Beep Beep check out my new wheels

Will, Steve and Andi recapturing their
childhood on the inflatables at the beach

Emily having fun in the pool with Will and Steve 

Early evening drinks by the water

Emily splish splashing in her new paddling pool

Early morning weekend painting with daddy

Making new friends with a stray kitten
(daddy has said I can't have it - meanie)